Turnkey Filling and Packing by LFoA Lf of America provides a world-class Turnkey Filling and Packing operation that can reduce the workload on your organization, and increase its efficiency. . If you are in the business of developing and...
Liquid Packaging in 2021 with LFoA If you haven’t already, it’s a good time to consider a partnership with LF of America to utilize our turnkey operation for liquid packaging in 2021. If you own and/or run a manufacturing business...
Contract Filling Packaging Why bother yourself with the financial and time-consuming headache of operating your own packing and filling department when you could partner with LF of America and have us provide you with our industry-renowned...
Are you curious about, what is unit dose packaging? If so, LF of America is a true pioneer in the field of packaging manufacturing, especially unit dose Packaging. For over forty years Lameplast Group has positioned itself as the worldwide...
Contracted Filling with LF of America If you run a business that produces and sells over-the-counter medicines and/or cosmetic products, you should look into the benefits of contracted filling with LF of America. Contracted filling Filling is an...
Contract Filling in 2021 – LFoA Consider taking advantage of Contract Filling in 2021, the most efficient way to handle the packaging aspect of any product manufacturing operation. No matter what kind of liquid or powdered product...
Most products require packaging, be it solid or liquid, edible or inedible, single ingredient, or multi-ingredient. Bulk liquid packaging machines need to be fast, accurate, reliable, and need to maintain the integrity of the products. A good...
Whether you are an entrepreneur with a new product idea, your current volume doesn’t justify a large capital expenditure, or you just don’t want to deal with the hassles of running a manufacturing plant, you are like many others...
OTC or over the counter pharmaceutical contract packaging relates to products that are purchased right off the shelf with no prescription necessary. OTC products are openly displayed for customers to pick up and buy as desired instead of being...
What is Contract Packaging? Whether a packager is a start-up company or a Fortune 500 that delivers a wide range of products to the general public every day, there are advantages and disadvantages to packaging your own product. A quick analysis...
Contract Packaging Options Lf of America is the nation’s number one provider of turnkey Contract Packaging Options. this includes liquid product packing-and filling for OTC pharmaceutical and Cosmetics. running such an operation...
LF of America is the top liquid packing and filling contractor in the United States. With over 35 years of experience, we are part of a group whose turnkey operation can handle the packaging of your OTC (Over The Counter) medication or cosmetic...